The Beginning

The Victorian Transport Association originated in 1902 as the Master Carriers Association. It remains one of the oldest industry advocates in Australia and for many years represented hire and reward carriers on Melbourne’s waterfront. In 1944 the association became known as the Victorian Road Transport Association to compliment similar state based organisations of that time.

Most of the matters advocated for members then are very similar to the ones that are debated today. Issues such as fuel, workplace health and safety, training and education, wages, roads and infrastructure funding registration and representation to all tiers of government. The objective was then and still is, to present and advocate to governments, stake holders and regulators from the freight operator’s perspective.

Renamed the Victorian Transport Association in 2001 to reflect the new structure of the association. To forcefully and publicly acknowledge that transport is about much more than roads. The VTA is now responsible for the representation of over 800 employers and businesses that supply transport, logistics and freight related services within Victoria and Australia.


     The VTA now offers a wide range of services to the transport and logistics industries in the area of Advisory, Representative and Advocacy. These services include

  • Development of company specific fuel levies.
  • Chain of responsibility.
  • Load restraint.
  • Driving hours.
  • Fatigue Management information
  • Mass limits.
  • Double-B routes.
  • Work cover.
  • Diesel Fuel grant scheme.
  • Local Government restrictions.
  • Drug and Alcohol issues.

Industrial Relations

The VTA also provides specialist industry advice on matters relating to

  • Award and EBA information.
  • Dispute settling.
  • Superannuation matters.
  • Long service leave.
  • Termination and redundancy
  • Sub-contractor rates, agreements and compliance.
  • WorkCover/OH&S advice.
  • Australian Industrial Relations Commission representation.
  • Award interpretation
  • Specialist papers on management issues.
  • Workshops for industry issues.

Training Courses

The VTA offers various industry related and general management courses including,

  • Industrial Relations
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Chain of Responsibility
  • Prescribed Waste.

In order to address the challenges associated relating to skills and labour the VTA Academy has been formed. This brings together a wealth of freight and logistics knowledge with human resources professionals. Industry participants are also able to share ideas and attend presentations from industry and government leaders via member forums and events.

The VTA has also created two new training programs aimed at introducing new candidates to the transport industry and placing them in permanent positions. Supported by the Victorian Government, both programs are run in conjunction with Armstrong Driver Education and are significantly subsidised which dramatically limits the costs to participants and employers.

Course Outlines

Driver Delivery. This is an intensive nine-day course that includes over 60 hours of hands on training and instruction that is delivered in either heavy rigid synchromesh or heavy combination standards.  Offers drivers the opportunity to advance their skills in OH&S, cabin drill, load restraint, loading docks, reversing and standard transport runs. The final result being an industry ready driver.

To apply, contact the VTA on 03 9646 8590

Transition to Transport. An intensive eight module course that offers those who are new to the industry or those requiring a more in-depth knowledge of supply chains, logistics, transport operations and associated regulations. Upon completion, participants are job-ready and are mentored by the VTA for the first three months of their employment. Those interested should contact the VTA for details.

The VTA also offer a range of training courses which are available to both members and non-members. Topics and subjects relate to specific issues for transport and logistics companies and general management courses. Current training courses are listed below.

Chain of Responsibility

  • Safety Management System
  • Awareness
  • Awareness for Managers and Customers
  • Fatigue Management
  • Load Restraint
  • Safe Loads
  • Sub-Contractor Management

Operational Issues

  • Incident Management
  • Pallet Management for Pallet Controllers

The Master Class Series

  • Business planning
  • Improving customer service
  • Employee Coaching and Development
  • Leadership

VTA 2019 Cadetship Program

As in previous years the VTA is once again offering its Cadetship Program. This highly acclaimed cadetship program is offered in conjunction with Victoria University. Delivered through a blended learning program that matches young and motivated candidates with VTA transport companies. With the end result being a Certificate IV qualification in Transport and Logistics.

It’s both practice and policy of the VTA to attract young people into the dynamic environment that is the Victorian Transport Industry. The content of this program is not only relevant but also very applicable to the “Real World”. This is the pathway for young candidates to find a secure career and also ensures that member organisations find the right staff.

Outside of finding the right employees, there are also other benefits for employers. This includes the reduced costs and financial support through Government Funding. VTA’s management of the administrative elements ensures the delivery of hard working and competent employees. Opportunities to develop either new or existing employees in a professional capacity.

Further information is available at the following link or contacting Deborah Hogg at the VTA on 03 9646 8590

The Benefits to Members

Benefits to members include but are not limited to:

  • Assistance with developing a professional approach to your business.
  • Regular information and updates on waste issues.
  • Guidance on environmental, industrial. OH&S and transport issues.
  • Co-ordinating representation on issues of importance or impact on members.
  • Advice and information on Government programs.
  • General guidance and assistance in all areas of your business.
  • Access to the Victorian Transport Association business information.
  • Lobbying government and advocating on members’ behalf.
  • Networking opportunities.