LCL vs FCL: Which is Better and More Efficient?

LCL vs FCL: Which is Better and More Efficient?

LCL vs FCL: An Introduction Depending on the nature of your business and how fast you want your shipment to be completed, there are two common options available: LCL and FCL. LCL means Less Container Load, or when you share a container space for ocean freight for your...
Streamline Your Supply Chain: 3PL Logistics | Freight Assist Australia

Streamline Your Supply Chain: 3PL Logistics | Freight Assist Australia

Freight transport in Australia is a crucial part of the supply chain system for businesses both big and small. In future years, the freight transportation system is expected to become more advanced as technology takes a more important role in the industry. Freight...
Extend Your Reach Across Australia: Freight Transport Australia

Extend Your Reach Across Australia: Freight Transport Australia

Freight transport in Australia is a crucial part of the supply chain system for businesses both big and small. In future years, the freight transportation system is expected to become more advanced as technology takes a more important role in the industry. Freight...
Delivery of High Productivity PBS Vawdrey Super B Trailers

Delivery of High Productivity PBS Vawdrey Super B Trailers

Freight Assist Australia receives High Productivity Vawdrey Super B Trailers   The latest and greatest in Performance-Based Standards (PBS) trailing equipment was on display at the Brisbane Truck Show – held last month at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition...