
A food business is typified as any business that’s involved in the sale, storage and preparation of food. As a result, all food businesses must comply with the Victorian Food Act of 1984 and must either register with, or notify their local council. In July 2010, a new food premises classification was introduced to all food premises operating in Victoria. There are four classes of food premises:

  • Class 1
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4

The new classification system now ensures that there is a more accurate match between the regulatory requirements to the level of food safety risk associated with the activities and processes undertaken in the business at hand. Freight Assist Australia offers the latest services in 3PL operations including the safe distribution of food. A Class 3 Food Premises registration is required for the related services we offer.

Class 3

Premises expected to fall into the Class 3 category also include:

  • Milk bars.
  • Convenience stores.
  • Fruit stalls selling cut fruit.
  • Wholesalers distributing pre-packaged foods.

Freight Assist Australia strongly adheres to the required standards and regulations for a company whose business it is, to store and supply unpackaged low risk foods or pre-packaged potentially hazardous foods which require refrigeration to keep them safe. As a result, yearly renewal of registration is required under the food act of 1984.

Class 4

Class 4 premises are those whose food handling activities pose low risk to public health. If needed a class 3 premises can also take on the activities associated with a class 4 premises. These include

  • The sale of shelf stable pre-packaged confectionery at newsagents, pharmacies and video stores
  • Bottle shops
  • Sale of uncut fruit and vegetables at farmers markets or by greengrocers, retail or wholesale.
  • Wine tastings
  • Shops and stalls with packaged cakes (excluding cream cakes), bottled jams or honey
  • Sessional kindergartens serving low risk food including cut fruit, and
  • Simple sausage sizzles at stalls, where the sausages are cooked and served immediately. This means sausages, sauce, onions and bread. This does not include hamburgers or other high risk foods.

If you are unsure of the classification that your business would fall into you can use the classification information on the Victoria Health website or contact us.