
RE: Transport and Logistics – an “essential-service” exempt from border closures

On Sunday March 22, the Prime Minister announced further actions to support the social distancing measures already put in place and further protect the Australian community from the spread of coronavirus.

Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania have effectively closed their borders to all outside travel. Please note that Freight Assist Australia Pry Ltd, our partners and the wider transport and logistics industry are exempt from any restrictions on border closures and for us, business will remain as usual.

Whilst other businesses classified as ‘non-essential’ services will be required to close as of 12.00pm today, transport and logistics is an ‘essential service’ which means Freight Assist Australia Pty Ltd will continue to service the freight and logistics needs of our customers across Australia.

We understand that these announcements are moving quickly, and we will endeavour to maintain an open channel of communication with our customers, as and when additional announcements are made.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact customer service.

Kind Regards,

Brendan Tate
General Manager
Freight Assist Australia Pty Ltd


RE: Business Continuity Update

As a company who cares deeply about our customers, employees and the greater community, we’ve been carefully considering everything we can do to help mitigate the impact and disruption to our customers and community. Freight Assist Australia has decided to implement the following measures effective immediately.These measures are in line with the relevant advice received from the State and Federal Health Departments as well as being aligned with community expectations.

The steps we’ve taken so far include:

  • Providing our staff with regular communication and updates intended to limit the spread of the virus
  • Advising all customers, suppliers, service providers that we will not be accepting any visitors to any Freight Assist Australia sites.All meetings will be held via alternate methods, i.e. Microsoft Teams/Skype, FaceTime, conference calls. (where applicable)
    Any service provider required for the ongoing operation of our business will be permitted entry to sites under strict conditions.
  • All corporate travel has been suspended
  • All drivers are required to:
    • remain inside their cabs unless requested to open or close curtains of the trailer
    • use their own pen only.
    • adhere to any customer/supplier site policies (where applicable).
  • All personnel are required to:
    • Refrain from handshakes or physical contact taking place.
    • Maintain a high level of personal hygiene at all times (washing of hands must take place after coughing/sneezing, before and after eating and using the toilet).
    • social distancing; maintain 1.5 metres distance.
  • Identifying and equipping key staff to be able to operate from home (where required)
  • Implementation of business contingency plans should a site be at risk of closing for a period of time.

Please be assure that our senior management team are monitoring the situation daily and we will respond in a timely and proportionate manner should the situation dictate.

Your support with these measures is appreciate.

Kind Regards,

Brendan Tate
General Manager
Freight Assist Australia Pty Ltd